8月8日,在天安门广场举行的北京奥运会倒计时一周年庆祝活动上,百名歌手一起演唱《WE ARE READY(我们准备好了)》。国际奥委会主席罗格出席庆祝活动并向各国和地区奥委会发出北京奥运会邀...
Now I am glad to note that we are trying to move away from the traditional quantitative growth paradigm to the new paradigm of growth, the green growth. It is needless to say that to promote sustainability, or to achieve the UN sustainable developm...
BP ’ s adjusted net income for the second quarter was $2.76 billion, beating the average analyst estimate of $2.69 billion. "We are driving focus across the business and r...
谢场环节,现场响起“朋友”的旋律,全场球迷伴随着音乐的旋律高声唱响这首经典歌曲。费莱尼与队友一同绕场一周,感谢球迷的不离不弃。当来到北看台时,费莱尼如同往常赢球一样,与球迷一起激情互动——手臂挥出标志性的“三连击”,并与球迷们高喊“We Are One”的口号,点...
70.Our hearts beat as one. 我们的心一起跳动。 71. Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you. 玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的,糖是甜的,你也是。 72. Sometim...